Friday, February 15, 2008

Never ever, ever.......

I have been reflecting lately on many of my embarrissing moments and came up with a "Never" list for my post today...
1. After nursing, Never answer the door before remembering to button up your shirt.
2. Never go swimming in a tankini with pads that aren't sewn in all the way.
3. Never go to the bathroom with the bathroom door open and a view to the neighbors backyard.
4. Never assume you are going into the right apartment, even if things aren't looking very familiar.
5. Never mix up "organism" with "orgasm" when typing up your husbands study notes.
6. Never assume that you are going to have an internal ultrasound and get all the way undressed for it.
7. Never nurse in the mens dressing room, even if you think you're the only one in there.
8. Never sunbathe on a long lounge chair when 8 months pregnant.
9. Never assume that your swimming suit is on under your clothes when undressing.
AND....last but not least.....
10. Never, ever, ever lock yourself out of the house naked!

I seem to have quite a few embarrissing moments, but LOVE them!
And last week my sister told me a halarious story she had heard....
This woman had an appointment with her OB/GYN and hadn't taken a shower, so she decided to spray some deodorant spray down there to freshen up a little. When the doctor was checking her, he very awkwardly said, "Pretty!". She thought, "what a pervert", and went on with her day. Later on when she was going to the bathroom, she looked down and noticed that she had sprayed her daughters glitter down there instead of deodorant spray!


steph said...

OK - those are hilarious! Did you really lock yourself out of the house naked? Too funny!
I've heard that story before with the OBGYN - whenever I go in for stuff like that, Cameron always jokes to see if I have my glitter spray.

Rachele said...

Holy Smokes Zipporah you are the funniest person I know. I LOVE YOU~!~ You are so much fun. Do you not spray glitter on before you go the the OBGYN? I thought that was normal... :) Jokes, maybe it would help with the awkwardness of it though. Haha, I'm going to make my own list of things not to do! You're the coolest ever.

Unknown said...

You are hilarious Zipporah! You really need to keep your clothes on girl! And that story-I am still laughing! Thanks for the good laughs.

Leslie said...

LOL! You crack me up ~ I love it!

Nichole said...

It could only happen to you! You crack me up! Thanks for sharing!

Yvonne said...

Zipporah, you are so funny :-) Your list made me laugh a lot! :)

Laurie said...

I am crying I am laughing so hard!

Rebecca said...

Do all of thos ethings really pertain to you?! What a life you lead! Made me laugh :)

Sydney said...

Ah, I am missing you so much right now! I'm going to go tell Jared and we're going to laugh together! Love you girl~

Deanna said...

LOL! Those are so funny! You crack me up! What got you thinking about all this, anyway? Or should I say, what was the most RECENT that reminded you of all this hilarity?! :o)

Sarah said...

OH, I needed a good laugh today. thanks for making that happen. I love all the stories and especially love the naked one locked outside. Only you Zip. miss ya.

Mythreesons said...

So funny! This made me cry I laughed so hard. Seriously... do all of these pertain to you? You have way too much fun! Thanks for sharing.

tj said...

I love your embarrassing moments!!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the laugh! You are brave for sharing with us. But its is valuable information.

Lynnette said...

You do need to keep your clothes on! It's funny because normally I can relate to others embarrasing know, they are things that I've done or thought of doing or heard someone of doing. But, not you...these are all your own. :) I hope you don't mind I tell that naked locked outside story to any close friend I have! :) Loves!

katie said...

Oh Zipporah-I think you win most embarrasing moments! Too funny!