Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We're back....and with a new addition to the family!

I think I'm ready to get back into blogging again.... and what better way to start than to announce the new addition to our family. Last Saturday night we got the cutest little puppy ever! His name is Baker (we think) and we all love him. I've spent a lot of time outside waiting for him to pee and poop and we've had a few messes to clean up, but overall he has been such a good little boy. I'm sure there will be more pictures to come.......


Unknown said...

Glad to see you're back! What a cute little puppy. I bet your kids are loving him.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to blogging land. Cute puppy!

Shelly said...

So cute! Eric wants a puppy. I'm not sure if I'm ready. But I must admit puppies are very cute.

Sydney said...

The dog is cute but my goodness, look how big Haley has gotten! She's changed so much since I've seen her last!

Great talking with you, I miss you.

Rachelle said...

YAHH! Glad to see you again!

Leslie said...

Welcome back ~ Now come back! We miss you!!!! Cute doggy! Can't wait to see more pictures.

Nicolaysen's Neighborbood said...

So glad you're back? How's it going up north? We miss you. The dog is pretty cute!

Oliver and Keisha said...

Welcome back--he sure looks so cute!

Kimball Family said...

I've been checking your blog constantly over the last month or so, anxiously awaiting your return to the blogging world. I had almost given up hope! I love the new fall design, and more than anything, I'm just glad to hear from you. I hope that you and your family are loving life and doing well. I miss you!

Yvonne said...

YAY Zipporah! You're back!! And your puppy is pretty darn cute! :) Hope everything is going great for you guys up in Denver. We sure miss you. :(

510Jen said...

Oh he is so cute. I think we need a dog my little Avery would be in heaven.

Welcome back. Can't wait to hear an update.