Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tip of the day.....

Make sure when you send your husband to deliver a meal to someone, that he knows what the meal is for. Today I had Michael run a meal over to a family in our ward, and when he got to the front door he said, "Congratulations, I understand you just had a baby". Unfortunately, it was for a woman who just got out of the hospital after having a double mastectomy. He felt so bad and stupid! I'm almost positive that I told him why we were taking them dinner. He really needs to listen better!


JayKo said...

LOL!!!!!!! Seriously! That's worst than me offering to help someone commit suicide all because I thought they were asking for help getting a haircut! That was mostly because I stunk at Danish! :)

Sydney said...

Oh man, I'm dying here.

You told me why you were taking them dinner so I'm pretty sure you told Michael!

So I'm assuming you found something to feed them and your dinner guests! How did your talk go?

oodlesofoversons said...

Oh my gosh! oooops! At least you gave us all a good laugh!

Bridget said...

Amen Sister! Don't all men need to listen better?! Gotta love 'em for the good laughs they give us. Once I asked Jeff to get the milk for me and he walked to the pantry and stood there for a minute. I said, "milk, Jeff...that's what you're looking for!"

Deanna said...

LOL! Okay, you totally made my day with that one! :o) I love it!!

We miss you guys! I ran across a pic of Miranda and "Braden K." the other day, and it really made me miss you! :o)