Thursday, June 14, 2007

Michael has been able to do a little bit of dental work on the Iraqis, which has been a neat experience. Braden thought that it was pretty cool that his Dad had a gun on. -I think it's pretty weird! You think I would be used to the whole army thing by now, but I'm not!


Debi said...

I never thought I would see a dentist wearing a gun while working on a patient! Especially my son...who wasn't allowed toy guns to play with as a child until Uncle Roy and Uncle Barry gave him a rifle for his 4 year old birthday.

Sydney said...

I had no idea that was a gun. Before I read your post I stared at the picture wondering what type of "portable dental equipment" that was! What a dork I am! That is strange to see Michael with a gun- at least he doesn't have to be in full uniform to work on people, that would be hot!

Rachele said...

Hi Zipporah, I hope you're doing well. I hope you know we love you so much and we think you're so amazing. I hope you're feeling ok! We miss you and Robbie and I want to come visit really bad. Could we come out before the summer ends? I hope you'll call me if you ever want to chat! I'd love to vent with ya! 801.360.6229. Robbie dropped my phone in Utah Lake, so I don't have any numbers anymore... :( We pray for you all every morning and night! Love you.